As of 2017, about 43.74 percent of the Tanzanian population is composed of 14 years old and below. Around 21 percent of the children population with ages ranging from 5 to 14 years old is on a child labor. The school life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) is said to be 8 years according to Tanzania Demographics Profile 2018 of Index Mundi.
We at Sunsocer Community Development Foundation, a non-profit organization registered with the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children of The United Republic of Tanzania, implemented the students’ capacity Building and Education Improvement Project of the schools in Dodoma Municipality.
Our goal is to empower and build the capacity of the schools’ ability to let out the BIG RESULT NOW program to become functioning on the education by reducing mass failures. We are also working on reducing malnutrition and the spread of diseases. Please contact us for more information.