We are accepting gifts from your good heart. Your support will greatly help the children, women, and other marginalized members of the communities in Mwanza, Tanzania.

Present problems and challenges

  • Inadequate funds to enable us to train more needy schools in students’ management skills, record/bookkeeping skills, savings culture, group management & group dynamics, and functional & peer skills.
  • Inadequate funds to acquire enough training materials and equipment: stationery for training, hire of training venues, refreshments for participants, and production of workbooks for each beneficiary during the training.
  • Inadequate funds for logistics, including transport and communication.

Our quarterly target is to train 7 schools of clients each quarter of the year. Our target is to reach, train, empower, and serve. Part of our work is to extend the education of about 2,000 students to further 12 schools of Mwanza i.e. approximately 15 schools/beneficiaries by the end of the year. This would bring our total commitment to the whole program to about more than 40 schools.

You can send us your donation by providing the needed information in our form below. Thank you for your contribution.